Line Art
Pattern Size
Connected Pattern Maker Custom Pattern Size
The Connected Pattern Maker lets you print the same pattern in an unlimited number of
sizes from as small as a thumbnail to as large as a wall.
The same pattern of this classic car can be printed in an endless range of sizes.
While the dramatic difference in size gives the impression of unique patterns, in fact
each is an identical reproduction of the same digital pattern.
View this pattern in the following sizes:
Patterns larger than a single page will be printed on multiple pages, which may be taped or pasted
together. Cut lines are printed on each page to allow for easy assembling of pages at the margins.
Print Your Own Wall Size Classic Car
Below is an example of the classic car, which has been printed 4 feet wide by 3 feet high
on 28 pages. Each page contains a piece of the pattern that is 7 inches wide and 9.6 inches high.
These segments may be printed, cut to size, and taped together. You may view each of the 28 full
size pattern segments by clicking on the individual squares below.
Please note: The cut lines for cropping of the pattern are not visible in the 28 graphic images above.
Viewing and printing the images above with your browser or graphic editor may not reproduce the
images in their original 7 x 9.6 inch format. Use our demonstration version of the Connected
Pattern Maker to create your own example patterns in scale